We are Northern Access Television
Northern Access Television Association Inc. (NAT) is a community based non-profit television production group founded in 1990, and is a full member of the Melbourne Community Television Consortium (“MCTC”), which holds the licence for Channel 31. The group produces a wide variety of content for broadcast, and we need the support of the community to continue our production activities and to have continued access to airtime on C31 Melbourne. We rely on the support of our volunteer members and the general public to keep producing programs for the Melbourne community, as we receive no regular sources of funding for our production activities.
Our Objectives
NAT represents the northern suburbs community at MCTC, and is the only association with this purpose. NAT ‘s objectives are:
- To provide public access to television transmission;
- To produce programs by, for and about the people of the northern suburbs community; and
- To focus upon issues of local, social, artistic and cultural relevance.
NAT has been actively involved with community television since its inception in Melbourne, first by conducting test transmissions in the Northern Suburbs, and then moving on to producing programs for C31 Melbourne when it commenced in 1994.
NAT relies on volunteers to run the association, to produce programs and to fulfil its obligations to MCTC. Funds are raised from membership fees, donations and sponsorships. The generosity of our members have helped us maintain our high standard of productions. In this Digital Age , your support, whether financial such as donations, sponsorships or as a productive member of NAT, will ensure our future within this wide & interesting world of television broadcasting.
Where to Watch
You can watch NAT programming through the following Community Television services:
Cheers from the NAT Team

Simon Moore

Paul Spanos

Poppi Athinis

David McLauchlan
Deputy Chairperson and
MCTC Assembly Representative
Northern Access Television Assn Inc.
Association Number A 0024250 G
Postal address & Main Office:
c/- Thornbury Community Church
16 – 18 Martin St
Thornbury VIC 3071