Program | C31 Melbourne Timeslot | Program Information | Contact |
 NAT Chat Web Videos at Website
| Thursday 2pm
| NAT Chat is a general interest interview program discussing a wide variety of topics. We are always looking for people to interview on the program, particularly from the Northern Suburbs. If you are interested, please visit the NAT Chat site. | PRODUCERS: Paul Spanos 0408 250 242 Email
David McLauchlan 0430 314 213 Email
Nat Chat Website
Past Nat Chat You Tube Channel
 Zontas 100%
| Sunday 9:30am
| This is a Greek Language Socio-Religious program with English subtitles. | PRODUCER: Takis Manetas 0419 561 696 Email
 Spirit of Life Web Videos at Website | Wednesday 11:30pm
| Spirit of Life is a Christian program consisting of in depth interviews with people from all areas of Christian life, from many denominations across the whole range of the Christian Community.
| PRODUCER: David McLauchlan 0430 314 213 Email Website YouTube
 Harmony in Diversity Web Videos at Website | Thursday 11:30pm
| Harmony in Diversity is a program that explores peoples faith based experiences, accross all faiths and religions, including athiests and people with no defined faith.
| PRODUCER: David McLauchlan 0430 314 213 Email Website YouTube
 Support Life Web Videos at Website | Sunday Midnight
| Support Life is a program about social issues from a perspective that supports and affirms the value of human life.
| PRODUCERS: John Hendriks 0418 308 051 Email
David McLauchlan 0430 314 213 Email